Just A Pool, Maury

it’s just a pool, Maury.
i’m still the very much miserable me that you used to love.

i just like wine and cuddles,
endless nights of sex
and drama.
you talk that sweet talk of yours,
and everything seems fine:
the years apart, the lies.

you want luck,
and I’ve plenty.
I’m all a rainbow with a pot at my feet.

like a lizard
under the sun,
i gently fry my blood.

you draw spyrals
with coal on my back
to leave a sign for when you’ll be gone.

it’s just the same old you,
i know,
but i like the taste of disappointment and chlorine
on my lips.

i like to touch the bottom
of the pool, and resurface
to no one.

Drink Her Like A Fine Bellini.


drink her
like a
fine bellini.

hair is dancing,
and like seafoam,
she comes and goes.

slowly lick
the tears
from her rosy cheeks.

they told me
she outta taste like peach
and salt.

they weren’t wrong.


I hate rhetorical questions.

you say she flies.
how high does she fly, though?

she is high.
smoking pot from the rooftops
of the city.
big lights, no fun,
everything shimmers
like a sequined dress
of a Vegas soubrette.

she is higher than the clouds.
one’s a lamb,
one’s a dog,
one’s a cock.
one’s just smoke,
but it looks like an albino snake.
The highest.
she is The highest of them all.

‘them all’. who is ‘them’ anyway?

them, who are knocked out
after a long night at the docks.
it was just two beers,
four shots
and three or five
Deaths In The Afternoon.
them, who are busy busy,
they cannot talk.
they stroll around town
with their cellphones
in their purse,
in their jacket,
in their arse.

why would you say that? …
and so on.


coyness /ˈkɔɪnəs/ (especially in a woman) the quality of feigning shyness or modesty in an attempt to seem alluring.

a.k.a. not me.

Kim Hyun Jung, the mastermind behind this incredible work of art, once said to Korea Herald “I think Instagram is a platform where people demonstrate their bluff. If they post 20 pictures taken during a process of doing something on their blogs, the one best picture is uploaded on Instagram, only showing the best part of the process.”. She called bullshit: our bullshit.

Funny and relatable bullshit for peeps like us, BTW. “Like us” meaning those who feel the “clash” between what we should be and want to be for ourselves and what we should be if we’ll ever want to live up to the standards that our sick society has set.

She’s smart, fancy and hella talented.
Giver her some support.

All photo credit: Kim Hyun Jung alias @hyunjung_artist

#art #artdaily #coy